Maytag MVWB865GC agitator washer. This is our bigger washer with a 5.2 cubic foot capacity. It is a great wash with its power agitator, but gentle on your delicate items when you need it. $799. Available in white. Call for our best price.
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  • Kurt Andersen

    Friday, April 24, 2020 5:54:33 PM

    What is the best price you'll give me for this Maytag, top loading, 5.2, clothes washer?
  • Kurt Andersen

    Friday, April 24, 2020 5:55:08 PM

    best price for this washer?
  • Sargents Maytag

    Friday, April 24, 2020 6:36:07 PM

    I don't currently have this model, but I have the MVWB766FW in a scratch and dent for $549


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